High School Grade and Course Choice as Predictors of ESGP-PA Academic Performance

Zandro A. Amanguiton, Marevic P. Nava, Charles B. Almonguera, Jr., Rio L. Vergabera, John Mark B. Anoche


The study was conducted to determine the significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile and academic performance. It was conducted at Capiz State University, Roxas City Unit, A.Y. 2014-2018. The respondents for this study were two hundred eighty-seven (287) ESGP-PA beneficiaries. Most of the respondents aging from 16 – 24, females, and enrolled chosen course. Both high school and college grade weighted average was interpreted as Satisfactory. It used descriptive-correlational design. Survey questionnaires and interview guides were the research instruments used to gather data. The gathered data were analyzed, interpreted, and processed using Microsoft Excel 2016. Descriptive data were analyzed using frequency count and percentage. Inferential data was analyzed using the p-value approach. High school general weighted average (HGWA) and sex (SEX) have a significant relationship. At the same time, course choice (CHOICE) and age (AGE) are not significant in relation to college grade weighted average (CGWA). The null hypothesis was rejected. Intervention activities can be provided, continued, and enhanced to improve academic performance.


High School Grades, Course Choice, ESGP-PA, predictors

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